Instant health advice when you need it

Free health advice is available across NSW 24/7 by calling healthdirect on 1800 022 222.

If you are unwell or injured, this is your first step to access healthcare, anywhere. A registered nurse will help you access the care you need, day or night.

What happens when you call healthdirect?

A registered nurse will ask you some questions about your health. Depending on your condition, the nurse will recommend the right healthcare option for you.

Find you a nearby doctor or pharmacist, or offer you a call or video call from a GP.

Book you an appointment at a local Urgent Care Service.

Connect you to virtual care by phone or video. For children who are unwell this could be virtualKIDS.

Call you an ambulance or direct you to the nearest emergency department if your situation is life-threatening.

When should I call healthdirect?

If you or someone you care about needs health advice, treatment or care and it is not a life-threatening emergency, healthdirect should be your first call.

It is your instant access point to the many health services available across NSW.

You can also check your symptoms online using the healthdirect Symptom Checker. Simply answer the questions about your symptoms and it will help you decide whether you should see a doctor or can care for yourself at home.

Does it cost to use healthdirect?

Healthdirect is a free service. If cost of healthcare is a concern for you, speak to your healthdirect nurse about options. You can also search for bulk-billing health services using the online service finder.

Instant health advice for when accidents happen.

I’m not sure if I should go to an emergency department?

If you are not sure, call healthdirect. The nurse can assess your condition and call an ambulance if you need emergency care or direct you to the nearest emergency department.

Call Triple Zero (000) if it’s an emergency. For example, you have difficulty breathing, chest pain, severe bleeding, sudden collapse or are seriously injured.

Call healthdirect

Instant health advice for the midnight worries.


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Current as at: Thursday 12 December 2024